

Triton’s “new generation” DPC formula is a ready to use, water based and water soluble thixotropic gel which diffuses naturally into damp substrates. After injection, Tri-Gel reacts to form a water repellent silicone resin network within the capillaries of the substrate. This network is permeable to water vapour which means that the walls can “breathe” and dry out naturally. The formulation is not reliant on alkalinity for effective curing. Tri-Gel can be used effectively to treat brick, stone and other substrates.


A unique silicone emulsion cream for injection into brickwork etc. for the control of rising dampness. Tri-Cream can be used in all types of masonry without the use of high pressure equipment. The cream is delivered by hand pressure from a simple displacement pump and injector lance into a series of holes drilled into the mortar course.

Triject 3 DPC Fluid

Triject 3 can be injected into pre-drilled holes formed either in the bricks or the mortar joints to form a continuous barrier against water rising from the ground. Within the walls, Triject 3 reacts with carbon dioxide to form a permanent water repellent coating within the capillaries of the masonry.

Trimix 1

A water and salt resistant additive for cement mortars. Improves workability of the mix. Particularly recommended for use in mortars used for internal cement rendering (replastering) of walls affected by rising dampness. Supplied in concentrate form and diluted for use. Supplied in 5 litre and 25 litre containers.


A waterproofing and plasticizing additive for sand and cement renders and mortars. Improves the workability of the mix and reduces the amount of water required to provide a workable mix therefore producing a more dense render. Recommended for use in replastering of walls affected by rising dampness. Supplied in concentrate form in 25 litre containers.


Trimotic is a chemical-free damp proofing system that utilises the principle of Electro-Osmosis. This occurs when an electric potential is applied across a damp porous material which causes a force to be exerted on the water which then moves towards the cathode (earth). The system involves inserting platinum coated titanium wire anodes into the wall at regular intervals.